Sunday, November 11, 2007

Moving… Again!

So I know that will make some of my friends laugh given my Guinness Record worthy history of moving around Rochester, but I've moved again! Yesterday some volunteers left, leaving some open beds in the staff bungalow. So I moved inside the compound with all the other female staff. It's a thatched roof house near the river that I share with 4 other girls. It's nice to feel a little more settled and I actually unpacked some things now.

I should probably report that I have made a few successful trips to Mafuta on my own. Driving here isn't as difficult to get used to as I expected once I figured out a way to be able to touch the pedals. Though I thought I'd get away from the bad winter driving conditions in NY. Well I have to say driving on sand roads after there has been a downpour isn't much different. Sand seems like it can be as slick as ice when it is wet. But fortunately all of my wintertime experience seems to be helping me navigate without too much trouble… so far anyway. The rainy season has just begun.

Speaking of rain… we've seen a few big storms in our first week, mostly overnight. There were some pretty impressive downpours and HUGE claps of thunder. I'm sure there was lightening too, but I couldn't see that with my head buried under a pillow.

Not much else to report… just trying to get acclimated to the schedule here at the children's home as well as my tasks at Mafuta. I *do* have internet access on a more regular basis than I expected so you can use my gmail account to contact me. I can't promise I'll be prompt about returning your emails, but it is nice to hear from you all.


Anonymous said...

i am so jealous of you...minus the thunderstorms. do take some pictures (at least of the rain and such) and post soon! (Though a picture of some of our babies would be appreciated too).

Anonymous said...

oooo Jess it sounds like everything is going amazingly! I am sooo excited for you! Enjoy the intensity of the thunderstorms, don't be scared of them! They are such an amazing display of God's power :-D (can you tell I love them?)

I'll be praying for you! I hope everything continues to be successful and productive with Mafuta! Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica, I finally got a chance to read your blog . You are a very talented writer. You sound fantastic. I really have a sense of what your days are like . I felt connected to you through your stories. I printed the whole blog and will share it with anyone that asks for you. Especially with Daddy, Barbara and Gerry. I cry when I hear the song “I’ll be home for Christmas” and Daddy misses you so much especially with the holidays here. We have a dozen or more little African angel ornaments on the mantle to remember you and what you are doing. We are so proud of you. Barb gave me an African Hut and African angel ornament on thanksgiving and that is what started the theme. We mailed a set of 6 African children angels to Sara & Rick, Angie & Matt, Lindy and Lexi.
PS. I am making pork and sauerkraut today for the first time since the smell!! Ha Ha